Friday, 14 October 2011

Looking on how to grow taller fast? Helpful ways to get taller!!

If you’re looking how to grow taller, there are several sites on the internet that would seek to lead you astray. I’m talking about the sites that advertise exercise programs and stretch sessions that are supposedly designed to lengthen your bones.

Let’s discuss why this doesn’t work. When we are infants, our bones are still mostly cartilage. As we grow gradually, this cartilage hardens and melds into hard adult bones, which is why we have considerably less bones than we do when we’re babies. While we hit puberty, cartilage growth plates located on the ends of our longer bones causes those bones to lengthen slowly. Exercising regularly during this time can enhance your height, but once your bones stop growing, no amount of stretching will make them grow again.

In fact, the only way to lengthen your bones once you reach adulthood is to have surgery performed. However, this is extremely difficult and has several risks involved. You must be thoroughly psychologically evaluated before undergoing the test. It’s also difficult to find a doctor who has the experience necessarily to perform this.

During the surgery, your legs are broken and metal plates secured to hold the bone in place with a gap between them. Over the course of several months, your bones gradually grow together to fill the gap. However, as you can imagine, the recovery time for such a surgery takes a very long time, and you may need physical therapy afterward. The risks involve the bones healing wrong. They can heal in a way that results in the bone being warped for life. Other risks involve paralysis, nerve damage, and even death.

If you’re considering how to grow taller, there are better alternatives than surgery. For example, dressing to look taller is a safer and cheaper alternative. By wearing solid, dark colors, pinstripes, and high heeled shoes, you can make yourself look considerably taller. In contrast, wearing dark pants with a white shirt or clothing with plaid or polka dots can make you look shorter, as it draws attention to your middle and makes your limbs look shorter. 
Here is some video to show stretching exercises to increase height

To learn more about how to grow taller, visit my website.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Does the Growtaller4Idiots is work or is it scam?

With regards to trying to grow taller you might be sick and tired of the number diets and exercises needed to gain height and find they do not work, many people feel that increasing their height would be easy and can be done soon and it can be by knowing the right things to do along with being aware how to enhance your body.

So,  does the Growtaller4idiots is work or scam? This will be the  biggest question people ask themselves when they see the claims of the website.  I’ll say this, you can grow a little bit taller, but probably a little less than they claim and it might take longer. The thing with Grow Taller 4 Idiots is that they have very agressive marketing and affiliates promoting the product for a commission so you will se a lot of “fake reviews” online for sure.
It’s NOT fun being a short guy, and to be honest I am about 162 cm tall myself, which is not that tall at all, but it’s not “midget” like, so when I found Grow Taller 4 Idiots and saw I could grow to about 174 cm which would be an awesome height (just right for me) I’d feel a lot better about myself, FOR SURE!.
I have recently come online and stumbled upon a series of WEIRD solutions, such as elevator shoes and other crazy methods that just doesn’t resonate with me. I don’t want the “illusion” of being taller, I really WANT TO BE taller… That eliminates about 90% of the producst on the market today, right?
I’d heard of “exercises” to grow taller, but I didn’t believe that it could work or be healthy to stretch out your spine and stuff like that, but I did some more research and found that a BIG KEY to being taller is your posture and how your back bends.
I found that if you get a better posture it’s possible to appear (without truly being) 2-3 inches taller, because your back straightens out and you appear taller. It will show when you measure, but you will not really “be taller”. In reality, you are taller than you are right now, it’s just that you can stretch out your back and improve your posture.
I don’t believe in the “more growth hormones” and stuff and have not really even attempted to try it, because to me it sounds ridiculous that you can start growing more when you have stopped, but it might be something worth looking into, I’m not sure.
Anyway, if you are looking for this solution, then I think I might have found it… take a look of the this. I can GUARANTEE u wont regret to use this product. Trust me.

Click Here To Get The Grow Taller 4 Idiots Product From The Grow Taller 4 Idiots  Website Now!

 *Affiliates may get compensated to recommend Grow Taller 4 Idiots